Manual Handling
Manual handling Awareness is where you use your own body to lift, move or support a load, and if it is carried out incorrectly or repetitively then you can be exposed to injury.
Our half day Manual Handling Awareness course, aims to give you the practical knowledge that you need in order to understand the risks involved with manual handling, and make sure that you are aware of how to lift correctly so minimising that risk.
Who is it for?
Our half day Manual Handling Awareness course is suitable for you if you are an employee or self employed and you work within a controlled environment.
Our Manual Handling Awareness course once completed will give you a certificate of attendance in Manual Handling Awareness.
What will you get from it?
- State the principles of safe lifting to minimise risk of injury.
- Be aware of parts of your body that are at risk of injury due to poor handling techniques and understand common injuries and how they occur.
- Better recognise the risks of manual handling and how to help reduce them in your workplace.
Course sessions:
- Lifting tasks
- Practical lifting
- Anatomy and physiology
The things you need to know:Duration: 0.5 Days or 1 day with Safe lifting techniques
Max no of learners: 10